The handmade scented melt , this little treasure of wax (without wick) sometimes colored, is a fantastic way to diffuse a delicious scent in your home . When the wax melts and becomes liquid, it releases a captivating fragrance that perfumes the air.

With their intense diffusion power surpassing traditional wick candles, scented wax melts are perfect for effectively perfuming large rooms and creating a warm and friendly atmosphere. You can also decorate your candles with decorative wax melts.

In this article, we present you the method to create classic scented fondants that can be decorated and colored, but we also have other types of creations.

Our other recipes for making homemade scented fondants

What ingredients do you need to make scented wax pebbles?

You will need 3 essential components to create a homemade scented fondant . The accessories needed to help you in your fondant creation are almost identical to a candle. We then find the melting equipment (double boiler or machine) as well as a thermometer, containers.

What wax should I use for my fragrance diffuser pebbles?

You can use soy wax, rapeseed wax, beeswax or paraffin wax. Vegetable wax like soy or rapeseed is an eco-friendly and biodegradable option, while beeswax offers a slower burn and optimal diffusion.

We recommend 4120 soy wax for molded candles, molded olive wax or RAPS rapeseed wax for molded candles . The wax will make up 80 to 85% of your mixture. For temperatures, refer to the product sheets of our waxes.

A fragrance or essential oil

Choose natural perfumes or essential oils to scent your pebbles. It will be advisable to dose the fragrance from 10% to 15% and only a few drops will be necessary for essential oils.

Choosing the mold: clamshell or silicone mold

Use silicone or PET plastic clamshell molds to shape your scented pebbles. Make sure they are heat resistant and suitable for casting wax. You will not be able to create plastic melts with beeswax.

Let the fondants cool completely for a few hours at room temperature . Then carefully unmold. You can use our silicone-free mold release to make your life easier!

Natural dyes or micas (optional)

If you want to color your scented pebbles, you can use grain dyes or natural Mica powder .

Using an additive helps improve the properties of raw materials (optional)

Although optional, you can improve the olfactory rendering of your perfume with isopropyl myristate but also any other additive allowing to increase the use time and the hardness of your creations.

How do I properly store my fondant?

If you are using a silicone mold for your scented melts, wrap the individual pebbles in paper bags or packaging . Here are some precautions for storing your melts:

  • Rotate the oldest melts to the front of your collection to ensure you use them first.
  • Store them flat if possible, close them in an airtight container.
  • Store them in a dark place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Keep them away from children and pets.
  • Avoid mixing different scents together.

By following these tips, you will be able to get the most out of your scented melts and preserve their quality and fragrance for optimal use.

Using homemade scented melts

To fully enjoy their fragrance, we advise you to wait 48 to 72 hours before using them.

You will need a fragrance burner and a tea light candle. Place the melt on top of the burner and the tea light candle underneath. When you light the candle, the heat produced will melt the melt and release its delicious fragrance into your home. A melt can be reused several times, offering a good burn time.

Unlike scented candles, the wax in the melt does not burn because it is not in direct contact with a flame . When the fragrance has completely evaporated, it is time to replace the melt.

To do this, here are two simple methods:

  • Remove the liquid wax with a paper towel, being careful not to burn yourself.
  • If the wax is solid, use a knife or spoon to dislodge the melt. To make this step easier, you can place the burner in the freezer for about 15 minutes, which will allow the melt to peel off easily.

By following these tips, you will be able to enjoy your scented melts and create a pleasant and fragrant atmosphere in your home.


In short, scented melts are a fabulous alternative to traditional candles to bring a touch of softness and freshness to your home. Thanks to our homemade scented melt recipes , you can easily create your own scented pebbles with natural and ecological ingredients.

By following the storage and usage instructions, you will fully enjoy the beauty and captivating fragrance of your creations. Feel free to experiment with different fragrances and colorings to personalize your fondants according to your desires and style.

It's up to you to play, and let your creativity run wild to transform your home into a real scented cocoon!