Our rich catalog of 500 fragrances from Grasse guarantees you the promise of diversity and unique olfactory richness.

This allows you to push your creativity to its climax in various usage applications. Today at Terre de Bougies, you can also create your own candles, your diffusers or even your laundry detergent.

But, some questions remain... It is not easy to understand the compatibility of our perfume ranges with the different possible uses.

The solubility of fragrances for DIY

Before introducing you to all the types of perfumes for your creations, it is important to understand that a perfume must have a different composition depending on the desired application case. Indeed, some perfumes mix in water, but not in oil and vice versa!

All soluble substances mix, but not everything that mixes is necessarily soluble.
Solubility implies dissolution, while mixing can be a simple physical combination.

To create these different fragrances, perfumes are sometimes made by mixing the raw materials with solvents, although this is not always the case. The substances with which these ingredients are combined usually determine the type of scent obtained.

Obviously, if you use the wrong perfume for a given use, the result may not live up to your expectations or even become dangerous.

The solubility of fragrances therefore makes it possible to identify how the fragrance will interact with raw materials, skin or even clothing, thus affecting its diffusion and persistence.

What are the different types of fragrances?

To bring your DIY scented creations to life, it is essential to know the three types of fragrances available at Terre de bougies. Each type of scent has unique characteristics that will influence your choice and the final result of your products.

Water-soluble (soluble in water) perfumes

Water-soluble perfumes, as their name suggests, dissolve in water. Their main characteristics are:

  • Composed mainly of polar molecules that mix easily with water.
  • Generally less persistent than lipophilic perfumes, their fragrance fades more quickly.
  • Frequently used in certain hygiene and mixing products composed mainly of water.
  • May contain water-soluble alcohols such as ethanol, which aids in their dissolution.

Lipophilic fragrances (mix into oily bases)

Lipophilic perfumes dissolve in fatty substances. Their main characteristics are:

  • Composed of non-polar molecules having an affinity for fatty substances.
  • More persistent on the skin because they adhere better to the hydrolipidic film, providing prolonged hold.
  • Used in fine perfumery and classic alcoholic perfumes.
  • Often contain essential oils and fatty aromatic compounds that enrich their olfactory complexity.

Hydrophilic fragrances (mix into aqueous bases)

Hydrophilic perfumes have an affinity for water without being totally soluble in it. Their particularities are:

  • Composed of molecules with polar groups.
  • Can form emulsions or dispersions in water, making them versatile.
  • Generally used in eau de toilette.
  • May contain alcohols such as ethanol, which facilitates their dispersion in water.

Choosing the right type of fragrance depends on your intended application and the desired properties in terms of hold, diffusion, and compatibility with your final product. By understanding these differences, you will be able to create fragrances that will fully appeal and satisfy your customers or loved ones.

Our compatibility table by use

To help you visualize the different types of applications possible with our products from Terre de Bougies, we have developed a summary table. This table will allow you to easily determine which fragrances are best suited to your scented creations.

However, please note that a compatible fragrance does not necessarily mean it is optimal or that we recommend its use. Other fragrance types may be more suitable for your specific needs.

We carefully select specific fragrances based on their intended use. For example, it is unusual to scent your laundry with the scent of “Mon beau sapin”. This is why our different ranges offer you fragrances perfectly adapted to each defined use, ensuring that you always find the ideal fragrance for your creations.

It is therefore important to choose the fragrance that best matches the properties you are looking for and the desired result for your products.

Applications/type Water-soluble perfume Lipophilic Solvent Hydrophilic Solvent
Candle and melt
Rod diffuser (capilla)
Car diffuser
Electric diffuser
Pillow Mist
Solid soap
Liquid soap
Laundry detergent/Black soap
Ironing water


Where can I find additional information in the MSDS?

If you are looking for additional details on the physical and chemical properties of our fragrances, this information can usually be found in paragraph 9 of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Some data is specified there, although this may vary depending on the product.

The origin of our French-made fragrances

At Terre de Bougies, our perfumes are carefully crafted by Terre de Bougies and manufactured in Grasse, the world's perfume capital, by renowned master perfumers.
Each fragrance complies with European standards IFRA / CLP CE N°1907/2006 and European cosmetic regulation 1223/2009/CEE, thus guaranteeing you optimal quality and safety.

Regarding the natural or synthetic origin of our fragrances, each perfume is composed of noble raw materials, whether natural and/or synthetic, depending on the olfactory result desired by our experts. We have dedicated a complete article to this subject to offer you more details.


However, we would like to now direct you to another aspect of our scents by presenting the olfactory pyramid. You will be surprised to learn that it does not follow the same rendering pattern as for traditional body perfumes.

Before we get into this topic, it is essential to understand that each fragrance has its own specificities in terms of solubility and compatibility. Whether you need a water-soluble, lipophilic or hydrophilic fragrance, choosing the right type of fragrance for the intended use ensures an optimal and safe result.